Beyond Cartesian Dualism

eBook - Encountering Affect in the Teaching and Learning of Science., Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education

Erschienen am 15.02.2006, Auflage: 1/2006
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781402038082
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 198 S., 0.95 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


There is surprisingly little known about affect in science education. Despite periodic forays into monitoring students attitudes-toward-science, the effect of affect is too often overlooked. Beyond Cartesian Dualism gathers together contemporary theorizing in this axiomatic area. In fourteen chapters, senior scholars of international standing use their knowledge of the literature and empirical data to model the relationship between cognition and affect in science education. Their revealing discussions are grounded in a broad range of educational contexts including school classrooms, universities, science centres, travelling exhibits and refugee camps, and explore an array of far reaching questions. What is known about science teachers and students emotions? How do emotions mediate and moderate instruction? How might science education promote psychological resilience? How might educators engage affect as a way of challenging existing inequalities and practices?

This book will be an invaluable resource for anybody interested in science education research and more generally in research on teaching, learning and affect. It offers educators and researchers a challenge, to recognize the mutually constitutive nature of cognition and affect.


Bridging the Cartesian Divide: Science Education and Affect.- The Importance of Affect in Science Education.- Incalculable Precision: Psychoanalysis and the Measure of Emotion.- Attitudes Toward Science: A Review of the Field.- Empowered for Action? How Do Young People Relate to Environmental Challenges?.- The Shifting Roles of Acceptance and Dispositions in Understanding Biological Evolution.- Student Learning in Science Classrooms: What Role Does Motivation Play?.- Practical Work and the Affective Domain: What Do We Know, What Should We Ask, and What is Worth Exploring Further?.- Museums, Affect, and Cognition: The View from Another Window.- Emotions and Science Teaching: Present Research and Future Agendas.- Active Science for Child Refugees.- Orchestrating the Confluence: A Discussion of Science, Passion, and Poetry.- From Despair to Success: A Case Study of Support and Transformation in an Elementary Science Practicum.- Emotional Development, Science and Co-Education.

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